Mois : mai 2015
Combining Cynefin and Fibonacci to estimate items.
3 minutes
Using Fibonacci suit to estimate is cool, but nearly ununderstandable for anyone used to estimate in hours. How many times have we heard: “Ok, so, one point is one hour, right?” ? Ok, estimation based on complexity or effort is not intuitive. Can we use some tool to make a strict distinction between hours basedAgility & Workshop-Frédéric Nguyen Huynh-19 mai 2015
How to estimate a backlog with hundreds of items?
3 minutes
Estimation meetings have always been time-consuming. To avoid useless discussions, Agilists are using Planning Poker game, which reduces technical conversations, and instead increases focus on what estimations are: “wild guesses”. But using Planning Poker to estimate a backlog, filled with hundreds of items, will still take time. So, how can you estimate faster? Well… By pushing further, andAgility & Workshop-Frédéric Nguyen Huynh-18 mai 2015